A customized Assessment makes use of a specification developed Internally or provided by your client to assess the supply chain.

Many organizations set internal standards for their business units. In order to ensure that these internal standards are complied, the organization might use some sort of internal assessment activity. Many a times this involves employing new professionals or expensive trainings to permanent staff to perform these assessments.

This could be an expensive option for your organization, the right alternative is to outsource the assessment activity to VINCERT® because we specialises in providing Management Systems Lead Assessors to perform assessments in line with ISO 19011:2002 and your Specifications.

Advantages of VINCERT® Customized Processes Gap Assessments.

Resources Advantages
Efficient Contract Management Your specific assessment requirements into effective results are assured through effective and efficient programme management, enabling you to concentrate on the results of assessments rather than their implementation.
Confirming Standards

An assessment specification focused on a value added assessment is developed through a partnership approach.

Based on the assessment findings (Process Gaps), we can also assist with specific improvement path forward.

Our Competent Assessors We have a pool of Competent Lead Assessors and Technical Experts and will allocate a team who understands Auditing Practices as well are the experts of your sector. We ensure a Highest Level of Impartiality and Confidentiality while dealing with your records. This may be a part of our contract to sign a specific Confidentiality Agreement.
Customized Reporting We can customize the assessment reporting structure in order to meet your MIS setup and we provide analysis of resulting data to ensure that your organization receives information in the most measured manner enabling you to make informed, factual based decisions.