Directors and managers are required by law to have policies and procedures in place to safeguard the occupational health and safety of their employees and those who directly interact with their business. This extends to planning and monitoring the company activities, with regard to operational risks identified in the health and safety arena.

This mandatory requirement is now becoming one of the most important legal requirements, ethical and social responsibilities in the developed world, as well as in countries seeking to gain global recognition.

Organizations that adopt and implement an Occupational health and safety management system to OHSAS 18001 can benefit from:

  • Reduced costs due to less incidences
  • Reduced Liability Claims
  • Reduced risk of accidents
  • Improved confidence in operations
  • Improved shareholder confidence
  • Prevention of prosecution
  • Reduced insurance premiums
  • Valued public image
  • Proactive risk management
  • Better management control
  • Reduced loss of productive time

One of the most important aspects of the Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001) is its requirement for proactive identification, monitoring and management of health and safety risks. Once implemented, it perpetuates good practice in order to minimize operational risk.

How do you keep up with legislation and set up a system that protects you and your company? The answer is to introduce an Occupational Health & Safety management system.

We value your Potential Queries

Questions Solutions
Is OHSAS very complex to implement? VINCERT®'s training courses can assist in understanding the requirements of OHSAS and hence make its implementation highly efficient and cost effective
Is VINCERT®'s certification complicated or cumbersome in terms of disruption to my business? VINCERT® provides a well-planned, stage-by-stage audit program that can allow a sound, coherent and non disruptive assessment.
Can VINCERT® help integrate my existing management systems with OHSAS? VINCERT® promotes the integration of ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001. VINCERT®'s capability to deliver at local level in the relevant field and sector. VINCERT®'s policy is always consistent with local delivery. Indeed our policies warrant the need for local or national EH&S experts to participate in the assessments. Lead time from application to start of assessment and to receipt of certificate VINCERT® is highly competitive and very efficient. For medium sized organizations, providing implementation is running smoothly, this could take less than 3 months.