Environmental regulations are getting stricter, and so is the law enforcement. Customers and shareholders increasingly demand that businesses diminish the environmental impact from their business, demonstrate what they do, and how they improve. An Environmental Management System helps your organization to be in control of and successfully manage the most significant environmental aspects, e.g. emissions, waste-handling, utilize natural resources, and energy-efficiency.

Developed countries are imposing regulations on organizations to help them manage and reduce their impact on the Environment. New, increasingly complex legislation is making environmental management a major business imperative. Where this is managed creatively, organizations can enjoy healthy financial benefits from good environmental practices:

  • Reduced energy consumption due to conservation
  • Reduced taxes by using renewable energy
  • Reduced cases of polluting spills
  • Reduced waste management costs
  • Identification of Significant Environmental Risks
  • Prevention of litigation
  • Green Brand Image
  • Efficient supplier interaction
  • More trusted public image

There are organizations, which have only just begun to embrace such positive practices, and those who are already fully engaged with sound environmental activities. Both of these groups face a number of challenges internally and externally. The environmental management system ISO 14001 (EMS) is rapidly being adopted by many organizations, across a wide range of industry sectors.

We value your Potential Queries

Questions Solutions
Is EMS very complex to implement? VINCERT®'s training courses can assist in understanding the requirements of EMS and hence make its implementation highly efficient and cost effective
Is VINCERT®'s certification complicated or cumbersome in terms of disruption to my business? VINCERT® provides a well-planned, stage-by-stage audit program that can allow a sound, coherent and non disruptive assessment.
Can VINCERT® help integrate my existing management systems with EMS ? VINCERT® promotes the integration of ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001. VINCERT®'s capability to deliver at local level in the relevant field and sector. VINCERT®'s policy is always consistent with local delivery. Indeed our policies warrant the need for local or national EH&S experts to participate in the assessments. Lead time from application to start of assessment and to receipt of certificate VINCERT® is highly competitive and very efficient. For medium sized organizations, providing implementation is running smoothly, this could take less than 3 months.